Thursday, May 1, 2014

11 children.......really???!!??

Received my great grandfather's birth certificate from New York a few days ago and just really got to looking at it today. This is on my father's mother's side, so we're talking about my Nana's father.  His name was Arthur Lawless and I've been trying to track him down for awhile. Turns out his name on his birth certificate is spelled Artis Lawliss. No wonder I couldn't find him before this! The fact that I DID find him now let's me know that my sleuthing skills are improving. I have confirmation of his date of birth and it states that he is my great  great grandmother's 11th child!! Sheesh....................

I only know about 8 so I'll have to do some digging. I suspect that they didn't all make it to adulthood. I was proud of her for having 8 make it through their childhood. We're talking Brooklyn in the 1870's and 80's and they were definitely not wealthy.  My great great grandfather's death certificate states he was living in a tenement.

So another piece of the large puzzle is now in place. a small piece, but a piece nonetheless!!

til next time..................

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