Anyone who dabbles in genealogy already knows that trying to map out an ancestors life can be a whole lot of endless drudgery of looking at pages and pages of information that have nothing to do with said ancestor.
Yes, sites like can make life easier, but for those of us who really want to dig into an ancestors life, there is nothing else to do but roll up your sleeves and browse countless pages of documents until your eyes cross.
Why bother, you say?? Because when you have just about had enough up pops a gem, that's why.
Looky what I just found!
This is a photograph of the house where my great great grandfather lived with his second wife from sometime in 1925 until at least 1929. I believe he was living here when he died, but haven't been able to confirm that yet.
Still, to find a photograph of the house right around the time they lived there is such a find!!
I found the photograph at Maine Memory Network which is a part of the Maine Historical Society.
Here is the direct link if anyone is interested
I 'm not done fleshing out this particular find yet, but have to get ready for work.
Just thought this was very cool and wanted to share!!